You’re invited to get involved.
There are lots of ways you can help SynApp2 grow and provide benefit to everyone using it.
- Try using SynApp2
- Provide feedback
- Help others (by posting questions, answers, or tips in the SynApp2 Forums)
- Write documentation or provide examples
- Write code
- Contribute resources (software, hardware, etc.)
- Sponsorship
SynApp2 is a professional quality product and is made available to everyone as free open-source software. The cost of developing and maintaining SynApp2 is substantial. Your support is needed.
Whether you’re interested in SynApp2 as a hobbyist or a professional, there are things that you can do to give back. The simplest thing to do is try using SynApp2. See what it does. Sign up for the SynApp2 Support Forums. Provide feedback. Share constructive ideas and get answers to questions. Let the community know how you’re using SynApp2.
SynApp2 has value for all experience levels. What might be easy for one user could be challenging for others. A healthy exchange of questions and answers is good for everyone. If you know how to explain something that isn’t documented or clearly understandable, write some documentation. Any amount of good information can be incorporated. We’ll find a place for it.
If you’ve created or modified some code for SynApp2, send it along. We don’t have a formal system for code contributions yet, but we’d be happy to review what you’ve done. No promises, but if it strikes a good note, we’ll see about incorporating it.
Every month there are expenses for web hosting. The development systems, servers and some software licenses have real cost. I’ve personally devoted the past 2+ years of my working life to this project as a full time occupation. Seeing others take an interest and contributing would certainly provide a big boost to my spirit. (I can think of some Zend and Adobe tools that would be useful – hint hint.)
SynApp2 is young and there are many potential areas for enhancement. If there is something that you’d like to see that would really help you address a business need, consider sponsoring some development.
Financial contributions of any size will be put to good use. If you’d like to contribute some money to the SynApp2 effort, please contact Richard @ If I detect some measurable interest, I could set up a PayPal donation page. I’d like to stay away from web ads, if at all possible. We’ll see.
If you find that you’re saving time and money for you or your company by using SynApp2, or SynApp2 powered applications, cut us in for a portion of your budget. It’s the right thing to do and it will help. We can prepare an invoice for you – just let us know.
Thanks in advance for anything you can do pitch in.
– Richard Howell